Publications for tag «anti-imperialism»

September went to the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU) Palestine solidarity encampment to meet with Leila, a long-time activist, and co-founder of Munich’s chapter of ‘Palästina Spricht’, a movement for the rights of Palestinians and against racism in Germany. We discussed the situation in Palestine and Israel, the current state of the Palestinian solidarity movement, the role of the international institutions in the Palestinian struggle for self-determination, and the repression Palestinian and Jewish anti-zionist activists currently face in Germany.

Ukraine Aid and Anti-Imperialism

Ukraine aid, like the war itself, is a point of contention on the international left. Supporters see aid as essential for Ukraine’s defense against an imperialist invader. Skeptics regard it as a giveaway to the war industry at best, a fig leaf for the US empire at worst. The dilemma is that both sides have a point. Aid has enabled Ukraine to push back its occupier, but — funneled through the military-industrial complex of the United States — this success is bound up with both war profiteering and the maintenance of US hegemony. Supporters of aid, among whom I count myself, need to grapple with this ambiguity, which is indicative of the complex issues anti-imperialists will face as great power competition heats up in an increasingly multipolar world.